Surya Vaidyanathan


Surya Vaidyanathan


Helping physicians understand their information in the UnitedHealth Premium program

Helping physicians understand their information in the UnitedHealth Premium program

Helping physicians understand their information in the UnitedHealth Premium program


Topical Research

UI/UX Design

Achieving Stakeholder Buy-In

My Role

UI/UX Designer


Jeff Suedbeck, Product Owner

Brooke Klaers, Director of Market Engagement

Napit Narpendra, Engineer

Chon M La, Engineer

Lance Gutzman, Engineer


3 months


Through late 2023 and early 2024, I had the opportunity to work with Optum Technology, a leader in IT performance in the healthcare space. I was brought on to work with their client, United Healthcare, on Version 17 of their Premium Designation product.

This is a program that statistically evaluates and designates participating physicians based on effective and efficient criteria. This designation may then be used by UnitedHealthcare members to make more informed choices for their medical care and by physicians to make referrals. Physicians may also use evaluation details to support their efforts to provide quality care to their patients.

In Version 17 of this product, there were changes being made to the methodology. The design thus needed to represent this in addition to facilitating a clearer comprehension of the complex statistical data that goes into measuring their compliance level, thus empowering physicians to better understand their designation.

Through late 2023 and early 2024, I had the opportunity to work with Optum Technology, a leader in IT performance in the healthcare space. I was brought on to work with their client, United Healthcare, on Version 17 of their Premium Designation product.

This is a program that statistically evaluates and designates participating physicians based on effective and efficient criteria. This designation may then be used by UnitedHealthcare members to make more informed choices for their medical care and by physicians to make referrals. Physicians may also use evaluation details to support their efforts to provide quality care to their patients.

In Version 17 of this product, there were changes being made to the methodology. The design thus needed to represent this in addition to facilitating a clearer comprehension of the complex statistical data that goes into measuring their compliance level, thus empowering physicians to better understand their designation.

Through late 2023 and early 2024, I had the opportunity to work with Optum Technology, a leader in IT performance in the healthcare space. I was brought on to work with their client, United Healthcare, on Version 17 of their Premium Designation product.

This is a program that statistically evaluates and designates participating physicians based on effective and efficient criteria. This designation may then be used by UnitedHealthcare members to make more informed choices for their medical care and by physicians to make referrals. Physicians may also use evaluation details to support their efforts to provide quality care to their patients.

In Version 17 of this product, there were changes being made to the methodology. The design thus needed to represent this in addition to facilitating a clearer comprehension of the complex statistical data that goes into measuring their compliance level, thus empowering physicians to better understand their designation.


My time here taught me a lot about asking the right questions, how to collaborate well with business as well as engineering, and finding the balance between stakeholder and end user needs. The methodology behind the product is deeply complex and intricate, posing the greatest challenge in accurately portraying it to meet both business requirements and the understanding of the average person.

My time here taught me a lot about asking the right questions, how to collaborate well with business as well as engineering, and finding the balance between stakeholder and end user needs. The methodology behind the product is deeply complex and intricate, posing the greatest challenge in accurately portraying it to meet both business requirements and the understanding of the average person.

My time here taught me a lot about asking the right questions, how to collaborate well with business as well as engineering, and finding the balance between stakeholder and end user needs. The methodology behind the product is deeply complex and intricate, posing the greatest challenge in accurately portraying it to meet both business requirements and the understanding of the average person.

Due to contractual obligations, I am unable to share any screens from this project. However, feel free to reach out to me directly if you have any questions regarding my work.

Due to contractual obligations, I am unable to share any screens from this project. However, feel free to reach out to me directly if you have any questions regarding my work.

Due to contractual obligations, I am unable to share any screens from this project. However, feel free to reach out to me directly if you have any questions regarding my work.

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© Surya Vaidyanathan 2024. All rights reserved. Made with filter coffee and 💛.

© Surya Vaidyanathan 2024. All rights reserved.

Made with filter coffee and 💛.